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Bad Credit Mortgages
Oct 01, 2016

What Should I Look For in a Bad Credit Mortgage Lender?

What Should I Look For in a Bad Credit Mortgage Lender - Infographic

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All sorts of events can lead to less than perfect credit. At that point, many people feel that they need to let go of their dreams of becoming homeowners or being able to secure a second mortgage to make improvement. In fact, it is possible to find lenders who are willing to work with people who have experienced some credit issues in the past. Here are some of the attributes that the right bad credit mortgage lender will possess.

Delving into the History

Some lenders take one look at the credit score and make a decision on the spot. Others take the time to find out more about the situation of the applicant. A lender who offers bad credit mortgages Cambridge will look beyond the current score and talk with the applicant about what happened.

Perhaps the current issue tracks back to medical bills that were settled years ago. Maybe the applicant ran up a lot of credit card debt but paid in full a couple of years ago. Digging a little deeper is an attribute that the debtor definitely wants in a mortgage lender.

Taking a Look at Today

Along with understanding what has occurred in the past, lenders who offer poor credit mortgages Cambridge will assess the current financial situation of their applicants. What is the ratio of debt to income for the applicant at present? Does the applicant generate enough net income each month to manage the mortgage payment and cover essentials like property insurance? The right bad credit lender will readily see that things are different these days and take the current circumstances of the applicant into consideration before making a decision.

The Track Record of the Lender

The person who is seeking financing is not the only one under scrutiny. Choosing the right mortgage lender does involve doing some research before submitting an application. What do past and current customers think about the terms they were able to secure, the level of customer support over the life of the mortgages, and how easy it was to reach a real person when there was a question or concern. If there is anything found that seems to indicate a recurring issue, it would be best to focus on a different lender.

Offering Competitive Rates and Terms

Even people who understand they could secure a first or even a second mortgage Cambridge with less than perfect credit often think they have to settle for whatever they can get. It’s true that bad credit mortgages typically come with higher interest rates, but that doesn’t mean all lenders will extend the same rates and terms. The applicant would do well to compare offers from different lenders and see who has the most competitive interest rate, which one does not add on as many fees on the front end, and who can provide the most affordable monthly mortgage payment.

Never assume that buying a home is out of the question until the credit rating improves. Talk with a bad credit mortgage lender today and find out what can be done. It may be possible to move forward with buying a home now instead of having to wait another year or two.