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Home Equity Loans
Jan 03, 2017

Barrie is a Great Escape for Potential Home Buyers Thinking Outside the GTA

You are ready to make the move from renting to owning your own home. The only thing is that you are not completely convinced that the more central areas of the Greater Toronto Area are right for you. In fact, there are suburbs that are worth considering for more than one reason. Barrie is an excellent example. Here are some points in favour of this area that make it worthy of consideration.

Barrie is Great for Potential Home Buyers

What You Get for the Money You Can Spend

One of the first things youll want to know is what sort of residential properties you can find in Barrie. Expect to come across properties that will match anything you find in Toronto proper. From smaller cottages that are perfect for singles or couples just starting out to homes that provide room for three or more generations, youll have no trouble finding something suitable.

The thing that you need to understand is that the amount of financing you have on hand will allow you to look at properties in Barrie that would be out of the question in Toronto. For example, a buyer who has arranged $500,000.00 of financing can obtain a residential property in Barrie thats found in a newer neighourhood, one thats closer to or even on the water, and has more square footage. The bottom line is that in terms of home style, amount of space, and location, youll be able to have more selections in Barrie.

Easy Commute

People think of moving to Barrie because it offers a slower pace than the more frenetic living in Toronto. Even so, you are not so far away that you cant enjoy everything the GTA has to offer.

If you work in Toronto, getting into town from Barrie will not pose a problem. Even if you dont but like the idea of shopping or enjoying Torontos nightlife from time to time, its not a major project to get back into town, enjoy yourself, and get back home. This essentially gives you the best of both worlds in whatever measure you prefer.

Financing Options

Youll find that arranging financing in Barrie is just as easy as in Toronto. Depending on your financial situation, it may be a little easier. Its not just about how your money will allow you more housing options. Its also about the way that efforts are underway to make the community more welcoming to all. Youll find an eclectic mix of people there, something thats ideal for those who love to be around all sorts of individuals.

Its possible to make use of a private home loan in Barrie to secure rental property in the area.  That rental property can provide income now while serving as your place of retirement later on. Second mortgages can be secured that make it possible to improve an older home. Even those who have been through some difficult times will find that bad credit mortgages for homes in Barrier are available through the right broker.

Take a second look at Barrie, the neighbourhoods, and what your money will buy. Talk with a few experts and visit a few open houses. You may decide that Barrie offers exactly what you need in the way of a home sweet home.